viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

¡¡¡Nos vemos pronto!!!

This great experience has come to an end. Our friends are coming back home...

Hoping to see you soon!!

Hasta pronto amigos.

jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

Heat arrives to Madrid!

Well, we are visiting Madrid the capital and the largest city of Spain.

Many things to do and few hours... We arrive at the Atocha Railway Station, heart oh the town in our way to the Prado Museum. Another group goes to the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, located near Sol, called 'Km O', the meeting point for both groups.

Free time in Sol and Callao, and time to have lunch. Our Puerta del sol is the bustling center of the center of Madrid, flanked by large department sotores, retail shops and fast food restaurants on every side. Its location has made it a popular meeting point fo hundreds of years, now with moden markets like the neon "tio Pepe" sign and the most emblematic statue "El oso y el madroño". Puerta del Sol is the equivalent of New York's Times Square. Thousands gather to count down to the chimes of the clock above Casa de Correos and eat a grape for every toll.

Later we take Calle Mayor in the way to the 'Austrias' part of Madrid and to the Playa Mayor one of the biggests market during the 15th century and now, home of the city's biggest tourist office, a government building and a number of overprized but pleanst caffes with outdoor seating year-round...

... and we arrive to the Royal Palace, located on a site of a 9th century fortress and rebuilt from the oldest Alcazar, burnt in 1734.

This palace is the official residence of the king of Spain but it is only used for state ceremonies. King Juan Carlos and the Royal Family do not reside in the palace, choosing insteed the more modest Palacio de la Zarzuela on the outskirts of Madrid.

The palace is owned by the Spanish State and administered by the Patrimonio Nacional, a public agence of the Ministry of the Presidence.

miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

Fighting against invading species / Luchando contra las especies invasoras

El Ministerio de Medio Ambiente ha preparado un borrador que incluye la lista de los 168 especies invasoras que amenzazan la fauna autóctona.
Más información sobre especies invasoras en este articulo de El País o en este otro artículo de El Mundo.

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Köln / Colonia

It was a rainy day... the day we went to Köln. Three different possibilities and three different groups of students: the cathedral ad two different but not less interesting museums: The Chocolate Museum and the Sport and Olimpia Museum.

Something unexpected, most of Spaniards visited the Cathedral!! So if you want to make a quick visit with them, go here!!!

lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2010

Open cast mining

German RWE Power banks on abroad energy mix to a large exten is able to draw in itsown raw material base. This broad energy mix enables the Company to act flexibly and succesfully and to sustainably manage th targets of climate protection, security os supply and probability in an increasing competitive settings. They can provide some 190 billion kWh oh electricity a year. This is enough to cover the power needs of 45 millions households.

We have visited a lignite open camp mining near Köln. This is what we have seen:

Trip to Hennef!!!

Hennef is a town in the Rhein-Sieg distric of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is situated on teh river Sieg, aprox. 7km south-east of Siegburg and 15 km east of Bonn. Hennef is the forth biggest town in the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis.

From the 8th to the 12th of november, we have met in Hennef (Germany), a lovely place close to Köln.

Here is a picture of the whole groupe when we met the Major in the Realschule.

jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010

The Myth of Europe

It all started in Olympus, homme oh the goods of Ancien Greece...